
Paystack is a growth engine for a new generation of innovative, forward-looking organizations operating in Africa

How to get your Test API Keys

In order to get your Test API Keys, simply go to your dashboard settings and click on the API Keys & Webhooks tab. Scroll to where it says "API Configuration - Test Mode", here you will find your Test Secret Key and Test Public Key as captured below:

After you're done testing and are satisfied with your integration, you'll need your Live API Keys to be able to receive real money from your customers.

How To Get Your Live API Keys

In order to get your Live API Keys, simply go to your dashboard settings and click on the API Keys & Webhooks tab. Scroll to where it says "API Configuration - Live Mode", here you will find your Live Secret Key and Live Public Key as captured below:

Important to Note

You can only toggle to "Live Mode" if your account has been activated. Please follow this link to learn more about how to activate your Paystack account.

What is the Callback URL?

The callback URL is a web address of where you want your customers to be redirected to after a successful payment is made. This could be your social media page, your website - you can even redirect them to send you a message on Whatsapp! If you would like to set up a callback URL simply paste the link in the appropriate callback URL field.

Set all credentials into InfixLMS.

Last updated