
Simple and convenient eWallet. Instant payments and transfers. Worldwide. Send, exchange or accept funds on your personal account or website.

Setup account

Step 1: Create Merchant

  1. Go to the Merchant Settings

  2. Press Add merchant

  3. Set required parameters:

    • Merchant Name

    • Secret key


      Copy this parameter, whereas this will be unavailable henceforth!

    • Domain name: set your merchant domain name

Step 2: Configure Merchant

  1. Go to the created Merchant

    As default system redirects user to the Merchant configuration page automaticaly. As default system redirects user to the Merchant configuration page automaticaly. As default system redirects user to the Merchant configuration page automaticaly.

  2. Verify domain

    Domain verification

  3. Set configuration properties:

    • Encryption key


      It should consists of 32 symbols. You may generate it using any service You want.


      Copy this key before confirming changes, whereas this will be unavailable henceforth!

    • Success URL, Fail URL, Status URL : Set your URLs


      Corefy will overwrite this properties in request.

    • other properties are set at your choice

Step 3: Get Merchant credentials

  • Account No.

  • Merchant ID

  • Merchant Secret key

  • Encryption key

Set Payeer info into InfixLMS

Last updated