InfixLMS - Installation
Database and database user creation on Server
Last updated
Database and database user creation on Server
Last updated
Log into your cPanel.
Click the MySQL Database Wizard under the Databases heading.
Next to New Database enter a name for your database and click Next Step.
Next to the Username enter a username. Enter a password next to Password, enter it again for Password (Again), and then click Create User.
On the next page, you'll assign privileges for the user to the database. Check the box next to All Privileges and then click Next Step.
Upload the package to your host
Download the package from codecanyon or from Website
Unzip the package and you'll find the following contents
Upload file "" to your host inside the desired location using cPanel File Manager
After the upload is completed, Right-click on the package and select Extract. That will extract the zipped file contents.
Configure InfixLMS with Database credentials
Use the file manager to edit the file in the path .env
Adjust the folder''s Permissions
Change the permissions of the uploads folder and all its contents (Files & Folders ) to 777
Change the permissions of the storage folder and all its contents (Files & Folders ) to 777
Start the installation
Use your browser to Infix install Script. Type in browser your application location followed by /install. and hit Start Installation
Checking your environment for InfixLMS App. If all the requirements look's Fine. Go to the next step.
Type your Purchase Code & Envato Account Email for going next step
Give Database name, Database user name & Database password. And go next step.
Here some basic info for the admin setup. You can change it after installation.
Installation completed. You can go to the homepage.
Add Database configuration in the file as described in the below image